Acne on Back - Causes, Prevention, Remedies and Treatments

I recently had a bad bout of back acne and found it very hard to treat and eliminate.

I have made a very detail review of the causes and prevention of Acne on the Back which has helped me prevent its recurrence.

You may also find the information useful if you have acne on the back.

What is Back Acne?

Acne on the back can take many different forms, including pimples, zits, blackheads, pustules, and in the worst case various form of nodular cysts.

It can occur in a wide range of people of all skin types and can affect people as young as 10 years and as old as 40 and sometimes older.

Back acne can occur all over the back and can also occur on the buttocks and shoulders of some older and younger people.

In its severest form the lesions can be large and painful and you should consult your doctors early to prevent a serious condition developing.

As with most forms of acne, the causes of back acne may be many and varied and there may be multiple cause and contributing factors involved.

You may have to try various things to see what works for you.

This was certainly my experience and the experience of my two teenage sons.

Discover how to avoid and treat acne on the back using this comprehensive guide and great tips using natural remedies
Discover how to avoid and treat acne on the back using this comprehensive guide and great tips using natural remedies. Source: Public Domain

Causes of Back Acne

Like other forms of acne, there is no one particular factor causing back acne. 

Basic cause of all acne

Acne is triggered in the when sebaceous glands surrounding hair follicles become clogged and infected with bacteria. The glands really start to pump around the time of puberty. The various male hormones that are boosted at this time cause the sebaceous glands to make extra amounts of sebum, which is cystic acne will require professional medical attention. 
Back acne can be hard to treat because the skin is thicker and there are more sebaceous glands in this area than elsewhere on your body. However the skin is thicker and tougher treatments can be applied. Some of the general treatments are:

There are several natural treatment options that work well for many people:

How to Prevent Back Acne

Factors Contributing to Acne that Should be Avoided

Stages in the development of acne
Stages in the development of acne. Source: Public Domain
Acne cleared from the back using remedies in this article
Acne cleared from the back using remedies in this article. Source: Public Domain
Twelve natural remedies for back acne. See the definite guide in this article
Twelve natural remedies for back acne. See the definite guide in this article. Source: Public Domain